This is a very traditional Slovak meal.
- 1 1/2 kg potatoes
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1 egg
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 lard or butter
- 1 onion, minced
- 3 cups sauerkraut, chopped
- 100g smoked bacon, cut into small cubes
- a pinch of ground black pepper
- 5 liters of water
- potato dumplings maker (haluskovac/haluskar) or a spaetzle maker
- Heat the lard in a pan over medium heat. Add onion and stir for 1-2 minutes.
- Stir in sauerkraut and steam until it gets sort of pink color. Stir occasionally.
- Peel, clean and finely grate the potatoes.
- Sift the flour.
- Add potatoes, flour, egg, 1 tsp of salt into a large bowl.
Mix properly. Dough should not be watery neither thick. If it’s too watery, add flour. If it’s too thick, add water.
- Bring 4-5 liters of water to boil in a large pot. Add 1 tsp of salt.
- Use a special tool called potato dumplings maker (haluskovac/haluskar) or a spaetzle maker to form a small potato dumplings above the large pot. Using this tool, formed potato dumplings will fall into the boiling water. Without this tool, quickly use a knife or a teaspoon to form the dumplings above the pot.
- Cook slowly for 5-6 minutes. Stir gently occasionally to avoid sticking of the dumplings to the bottom of the pot.
- Strain the dumplings.
- Pour a hot water over the dumplings and strain again.
- Mix dumplings, sauerkraut and black pepper.
- Fry the bacon in a pan.
- Serve hot. Pour the fried bacon over the dumplings on each plate according to taste.
My mother made the best. Have not had them in years, but have got to make them again. Sure brings back memories.
U nas, v Srbsku, sa tiez robia tieto halusky. Ale bryndzu ludia donasaju zo Slovenska. Robia sa i zavodenia v robeni a jedeni halusiek. Pozdrav, Viera z Kovacice – juzny Banat – Vojvodina.
Pozdravujem do Vojvodiny. Veľmi ste má potešili svojou reakciou na halušky. Aj na Slovensku sa robia na dedinách take súťaže vo varení napr. kukurična kaša poliata masielkom a slaninkou, kapustnica, kotlíkový guláš atď. Popri vystupujú ľudové súbory, spevy a tance. Ešte Vám chcem povedať, že veľmi som fandila vašim folkoristom v našej tv. Prajem aby sa Vám darilo a aby sme sa tešili z toho že aj tak sa dá stretnúť. Paulína z Košic.
Is there a company that sells the Haluskar pan that I can communicate in English? I can’t even tell how mush the pan costs in American dollars or the price.
Hi Kathleen,
if we are in a situation, where we don’t have the proper halusky maker, we improvise and we usually use flat coarse grater, just turn it upside down 😉
Also feel free to use spaetzle maker: